Sunday 16 May 2021

4 years later the war still rages

 It has been a very long time since I've updated this blog. There has been may reasons for this but the main one is that I was at college. The other reason is that we won against Suiton. 

Suiton is like a cancerous tumor. It seems small and harmless at first but the more you ignore it the bigger it grows and the more it spreads. This is the perfect explanation of Suiton. Most people think he's harmless and ignore him but this has never lead to him stopping his trolling and scalping people on eBay.

Suiton used to be everywhere. In every gunpla facebook group, commenting on every gunpla video by every creator, reddit, gamefaqs, and every online gunpla news site. There was no escaping Suiton. Everywhere you went you were more than likely going to see his comments filled with serial numbers and gunpla predictions. 

This happened because people thought he was just a troll and ignored him. Suiton is mentally insane. Even if he gets 0 replies to his comments and everyone ignores him he will still post spam everywhere. Most people would give up if no one ever replied to them or read their comments but Suiton still posts comments everywhere no matter if anyone reads them. 

When I say we won against Suiton I mean it. Me and some other people stood up for the gunpla community and started spreading the truth about Suiton. People started to open their eyes and he got banned from every facebook group, reddit, and from most gunpla youtube channels. We were so effective at spreading the truth that the only place Suiton has left now is Twitter. 

Monday 30 October 2017

Suitons history with gunpla youtubers

ZakuAurelius: Banned
MechaGaikotsu: Active
Prime92: Banned
Jabman025: Banned
Type V3: Unknown
rrobbert184: Banned Active
Gundamholic: Active
Channel 2S: Gunpla News and Reviews: Banned
Kakarot197: Banned
ShokyReviews: Banned
DanThePlasticMan: Banned
Citrus: Banned
Charlie426: Unknown
stryderprime: Active
DZMaven's Gunpla Reviews: Unknown
Spicy Build: Active
GunplaGamer: Banned

Friday 20 October 2017

Suiton doesn't build gunpla

The one aspect of Suiton that irritates me to no end is that he doesn't build gunpla. I know what you're thinking "what? a person in the gunpla community who doesn't build gunpla?" and you're right to be confused. It's the truth though, Suiton doesn't build gunpla.

Yes, Suiton buys gunpla, but he doesn't build any of the kits he buys. Why you may ask? no one knows for sure.  He claims it's because he's too busy at work to build anymore. This is because he "supposedly" works 11 hours a day with rarely any days off and goes without lunch breaks. Ignore that this is illegal in the U.S. and just interpret it as Suiton is too tired from work to build.

I think it's because he doesn't care or want to. He has no love for the actual hobby. He would rather talk about the next gunpla expo and what kits we'll see than the actual gunpla themselves. He simply doesn't want to build gunpla.

He has built kits in the past though, but only a few. Roccondil told me that he once built an MG AGE-1 and reviewed it on his blog. This is beside the point, but roccondil said the kit was built poorly because of the bad nub marks.

Suiton stopped sharing photos of his builds as he claims they garnered to much "negative feedback". It would be easy to believe him here and assume he does build, but I don't believe him. This is for one simple reason, Suiton never talks about building gunpla. On gamefaqs all of suitons posts are about everything but building gunpla. He mostly just talks about future gunpla releases because he has an autistic obsession with gunpla releases. He never makes tweets about how his builds are going. He instead tweets out gunpla announcements and links to his ebay. If we believe that he does build then why does he never talk about it? Surely even a small comment like "I'm building the MG Justice Gundam right now" would make it seem like he does.

I will post some screenshots in a separate category that prove he doesn't build.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Who is Roccondil? and why is this blog named after him?

There are some people who seek an end to suiton. Most people just ignore him and move on. There exists a legend in the gunpla community, that legend is of Ben and Roccondil. The legends tell of a great war fought over on many years ago, in which two men drove off the evil suiton from the site. When I was first starting out gunpla little over 2 years ago I heard whispers of two men "Suiton" and "Ben". Alas that is a story for another day and another post. I named this blog after Roccondil to honour his legacy and continue where he and Ben left off all those years ago. Roccondil is a person who would regularly destroy suiton everywhere. Some people see it as stalking and bullying but to me he is a hero a guardian that fought against suiton and won and because of that I will make him a symbol to symbolize the fighters that fight suiton.

Who is Suiton.

Suiton is the Gunpla comunity's most infamous troll. He is known for spamming every gunpla media outlet with his wishlists, harassing people , hoarding tons of kits but not actually building any of them (they usually end up on ebay),  being a grammar nazi, never replying to anyone who disagrees with him (he calls them trolls), preying on beginners, make polls with fixed choices, begging for money online, advertising his ebay store everywhere

Purpose of this blog and how to navigate around

The purpose of this blog quite simply is to chronicle all of Suiton's trangressions against the gunpla community. To the right under pages is a bunch of pages that house screenshots of all the things I think the gunpla community should see. They're mostly screenshots of comments he's made that prove he is the most hated man in the community. I will also add captions to said screenshots to add context so people understand what im showing them. As of right now, this blog will serve as a chronicle for me and my brethren to link to, to show people who he is and why he's so dangerous. I might make some posts now and again about things related to suiton.