It has been a very long time since I've updated this blog. There has been may reasons for this but the main one is that I was at college. The other reason is that we won against Suiton.
Suiton is like a cancerous tumor. It seems small and harmless at first but the more you ignore it the bigger it grows and the more it spreads. This is the perfect explanation of Suiton. Most people think he's harmless and ignore him but this has never lead to him stopping his trolling and scalping people on eBay.
Suiton used to be everywhere. In every gunpla facebook group, commenting on every gunpla video by every creator, reddit, gamefaqs, and every online gunpla news site. There was no escaping Suiton. Everywhere you went you were more than likely going to see his comments filled with serial numbers and gunpla predictions.
This happened because people thought he was just a troll and ignored him. Suiton is mentally insane. Even if he gets 0 replies to his comments and everyone ignores him he will still post spam everywhere. Most people would give up if no one ever replied to them or read their comments but Suiton still posts comments everywhere no matter if anyone reads them.
When I say we won against Suiton I mean it. Me and some other people stood up for the gunpla community and started spreading the truth about Suiton. People started to open their eyes and he got banned from every facebook group, reddit, and from most gunpla youtube channels. We were so effective at spreading the truth that the only place Suiton has left now is Twitter.